Workers' Comp Done Right: Protection That Works as Hard as You Do

Local expertise to navigate workers' compensation requirements while keeping your business secure and compliant

Secure Your Business's Future While Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset—Your Team

Workers' compensation insurance is more than just a legal requirement—it's a crucial investment in your business's future and your employees' well-being. At FOCO Insurance, we understand the unique challenges local businesses face when managing worker protection. Our expertise helps you navigate complex requirements while ensuring your business stays protected and compliant. With access to multiple carriers, we find the perfect balance of comprehensive coverage and competitive rates, giving you peace of mind knowing both your business and employees are secured.

What you should know

How workers' compensation protects your business from financial risks, Key coverage components and legal requirements in Colorado, Cost-saving strategies while maintaining comprehensive protection, Simple steps to obtain and manage your policy effectively

Ways To Save

Implement a workplace safety program to qualify for premium discounts, Regular policy reviews to ensure classification accuracy, Bundle with other business insurance policies for potential savings, Participate in carrier-sponsored safety training programs, Maintain accurate payroll records for precise premium calculations

Prepare for your quote

Business name and contact information, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Number of employees and estimated annual payroll, Detailed description of business operations, Past workers' compensation claims history (if applicable), Current safety programs and protocols, Previous insurance information

Why We Stand Out

Deep understanding of local business needs and regulations, Access to multiple carriers for competitive pricing and options, Personalized service with dedicated local support, Proactive risk management and claims assistance


Are occupational diseases covered?

Yes, covers diseases arising from work conditions, though may require proving work-related causation.

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What does workers' compensation cover?

Covers medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and death benefits for work-related injuries and illnesses.

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Which employers must carry workers' comp?

Requirements vary by state but generally apply to businesses with employees. Some states exempt very small employers.

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What is maximum medical improvement?

Point where injury stabilizes and no further significant recovery expected, affecting benefit calculations.

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How are premiums calculated?

Based on payroll, job classifications, industry risk factors, and claims history (experience modification rate).

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Are independent contractors covered?

Generally no, but misclassification of employees as contractors can lead to coverage disputes and penalties.

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How quickly must injuries be reported?

Employees should report immediately; employers typically have 24-72 hours to notify insurer and state agencies.

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What is temporary total disability?

Benefits while completely unable to work during recovery, typically paying percentage of normal wages.

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What is an experience modification rate?

A factor based on past claims history that adjusts premiums up or down compared to industry average.

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How do disability ratings work?

Doctors assign percentage ratings to permanent disabilities, affecting benefit amounts and duration.

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Experience the Difference

Ready to experience the difference of working with a trusted insurance partner? Book your appointment online or call us today for a personalized quote and expert advice.